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Map of Canada, showing where we are...
We live here.

The author pictured above on a pretty bad hair day, and clearly without enough chocolate....

Total Wildly Happy Zilla Visitors:
to date.

Contents copyright 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2004, 2013
by WS2 & the ad hoc Godzilla Graphics Group.
Provided as a public service.
All rights reserved.

Last edited: November 18, 2013
Sphere ResearchSphere ResearchSphere Research
The Godzilla Graphics Group

Sphere ResearchSphere ResearchSphere Research

Dedicated to the pursuit of visually exciting and genuinely USEFUL HTML pages, these people help put together sites to delight the heart and mind of the true net cruiser. Plus, of course, they sometimes eat the odd metropolitan city if they get in a bad mood or are deprived of chocolate for too long a period...

Various public spirited people contribute to the finshed product, and staff from Sphere Research Corporation and outside friends all have their hand in the mixture.

Sphere Research Corporation
3394 Sunnyside Road
West Kelowna, BC V1Z 2V4 CANADA
Phone: +1 (250) 769-1834
F A X: +1 (250) 769-4106

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