USD $30
While this manual was printed specifically for the Dietzgen 1735, it is equally useful in learning any advanced rule. This manual does not rely as heavily on diagrams, as it uses those initially to teach the use of the basic scales, however, it uses extensive text based explanations and exercises throughout the manual. Manual is in very good condition with no significant wear or discoloration to either the cover or pages.
Printed in 1946, 163 pages, heavy paper bound.
Stock: 1
USD $15
This is an early guide from Sun/Hemmi on how to use everything from their basic up to their more advanced rules. It includes some fold out diagrams for explaining scales, as well as diagrams and examples throughout to explain functions.
Printed in 1951, 107 pages, paper bound book.
Stock: 1
USD $10
This is an unusual guide that took using the slide rule as a guide to writing. While not a guide itself on how to use the slide rule, it seeks to teach writers, editors, and the like to write in a clearer, more concise manner such that their words serve a purpose – much like the slide rule helps an engineer structure their claculations.
Printed in 1947, 23 pages, spiral bound.
Stock: 1
USD $35
For a book that is more than 100 years old, this is in remarkably good condition; only minor wear to the corners, pages are in very good condition. Makes excellent use of diagrams and example problems to explain usage of the common rule scales.
Seventh Edition,1918, 100 pages, paper bound booklet.
Stock: 1
USD $35
This was an optional learning guide for students more than a century ago, which entailed completing the reading and exercises in the book with directions to mail in the complete work for grading via correspondence! As a learning guide, it is quite comprehensive on using the basic scales of a slide rule, and uses for clear and thorough illustrations throughout the book. The book is in excellent shape, minus the lone pencil marking on the front cover indicating it is “optional.”
First Edition, 1879 (you read the correctly!), 59 pages, paper bound.
Stock: 1
USD $30
This is a beginner’s guide to using the C, D, A, B, CI, CF, and DF scales of a rule. It is rich with diagrams, and features some basic examples and problems to follow along with. The book is physically in good condition with minimal wear, but does have some stamps from its previous library owner, and some minor scrawling on a few pages.
Second Printing, 1965, 96pages, hard cover with dust jacket and plastic covering.
Stock: 1
USD $15
This is a comprehensive and easy to understand guide on using the abacus. It features very clear usage diagrams, along with a variety of practice problems and calculations, including an answer key at the back. In excellent condition with almost no signs of wear.
Fourth Printing, 1968, 64 pages, soft cover
Stock: 1
USD $25
This is a very basic introductory guide to the slide rule, that uses a combination of diagrams and tabular data to explain rudimentary use of the slide rule. This book is in good condition, with some wear to the cover and dust jacket, pages are in good condition.
Seventh Edition, 1970, 112 pages, hardbound with dust jacket.
Stock: 1
USD $20
Written with students in mind (this one has some notes from said students), this is a beginner’s guide to the core functions of using a slide rule. Features some drawings/diagrams, as well as a variety of tables and mathematical examples.
Third Printing, 1968, 141 pages, soft-cover
Stock: 1
USD $25
A text heavy document, this book provides a great deal of historical information on the slide rule (pre-1930, obviously), it also provides mathematical examples and explanations of completing certain calculations. Pages in very good condition, moderate-to-high wear on the spine and corners.
Second Printing, 1930, 220 pages, hardbound
Stock: 1
USD $40
A comprehensive guide to slide rule usage, this book includes a variety of diagrams and walk-throughs on calculations. It also includes a section of data tables for conversion, and logarithms.
Third Edition, 1943, 219 pages, hard bound,
Stock: 1
USD $50
If the title of the book did not give it away, this book pre-dates most other guides. It does not make use of any diagrams, only text. Does appear to have the signature of the original owner on the front cover page.
Published 1849, 276 pages, hard bound, wear on the edges of the cover and top/bottom of spine, some discoloration on the outer page edges.
Stock: 1
USD $35
This is a self-teaching instructional manual for the Dietzgen Deci Trig Log Log slide rule.
This book is carefully sealed in a plastic sleeve, and was not possible to confirm year of publication or page count. It is in very good condition with no color fading to the cover, and only minor wear around the edges.
Stock: 1
USD $30
This is a supplementary manual meant to accompany the N4081 Log Log Duplex Decitrig Slide Rule, and explains the application of the plan and hyperbolic scales to vector calculations for the Log Log Duplex Vector N4083 slide rule from K&E.
Fiendishly well sealed in a protective plastic sleeve, it is in good condition, was published during a year in the 20th century, and is constituted of a certain quantity of pages.
Stock: 1
USD $40
Provides an overview of basic slide rule functions, as well as specific instructions for electrical, chemical, and trig functions on specialized rules. Has a separate section for less common rule types (circular, cylindrical, watches, etc). Includes exercises and answer key.
Revised Edition, 1972, 181 pages, hard-cover with dust jacket, in very good condition. Pages in excellent shape with no discoloration or wear.
Stock: 1
USD $40
A hard cover but still highly portable, this is a very early how-to guide on using the slide rule. Does include drawings and detailed explanations.
General Edition, 1913, 127 pages. In very good condition, no damage to pages or cover, slight folding of cover at the corners.
Stock: 1
USD $30
Convenient pocket sized guide for enhanced slide-rule based mathematical learning, features easy to understand diagrams, sample problems, and an answer key at the back of the book is included.
First edition, 1966, 96 pages. Has ink damage on the front cover, and the cover and spine have moderate wear. Pages are all intact and in good condition.
Stock: 1
USD $40
This softcover pocket book is a complete guide on how to use and understand a slide rule, and includes easy to follow diagrams. Published 1966 by Bantam Unifact books, 139 pages. In good condition, some wear on the covers, spine not broken in or creased.
Stock: 1