USD $30
Calibration plug-in for D14A network analyzer mainframe. Working condition unknown.
Stock: 1
USD $10
General Radio Type 1862-C Megohmmeter, missing lid, working condition unknown.
Stock: 1
USD $10
Quan-Tech Model 420 Noise Generator
Stock: 1
USD $65
Daven Co Type VT-795G Attenuation Network, 600Ω impedance, working condition unknown.
Stock: 1
USD $35
REM Cathode Recovery Unit and CRT Tester, working condition unknown.
Stock: 1
USD $275
Model 1100-AR is a modular telemetry receiver, developed between 1969 and 1972 by Microdyne Corporation in Rockville (Maryland, USA). The receiver was aimed at the emerging lunar mission and satellite business of the late 1960s and early 1970s, but eventually became the workhorse for many tracking stations for the next three decades. Although it has since been succeeded by new designs, it is still widely used today (2019), mainly because of its robustness and reliability.
The receiver is fully modular and consists of a 4U 19″ rackmount enclosure that contains the basic circuitry, and has five bays for optional modules, which makes it highly customisable.
The two wide slots at the top are suitable for a CRT (spectrum) display or an RF field strength indicator, whilst the other slots are for the RF front-end (bottom right), the IF strip (centre) and a demodulator (bottom left). Depending on the application and the required frequency range, a selection of a range of modules and options could be installed in the 1100-AR mainframe.
Although the 1100-AR was primarily intended to be used as part of a satellite (or aerospace) base station, it was sometimes used as a reference receiver, an intercept receiver, and even as a surveillance receiver.
Included modules:
Stock: 1
USD $45
TF31165-4 Power Supply Test Fixture, working condition unknown.
Stock: 1
USD $135
The MFTD (Modular Frequency & Time Distribution) is also modular in nature. This expansion chassis provides frequency (5 MHz) and timing (1 PPS) distribution when additional output capacity is needed from the MFTS system.
Includes the following plugins:
Working condition unknown.
Stock: 1
USD $65
The PRS-RB module provides an accurate clock rate of 5 and 10 MHz and a 1 PPS signal synchronized to UTC. The PRS-Rb uses a Model LPRO rubidium oscillator accurate to 1E-11 over a 24 hour period.
When PRS modules are disciplined to GPS satellite time transmissions through the GPS module the accuracy of the system is less than 100 ns.
Working condition unknown.
Stock: 1
USD $25
The Modular Digital Pulse (MDP) module provides four 1 PPS TTL/CMOS compatible outputs through BNC connectors on its front panel. The module receives an internal 1 PPS signal and performs buffering and amplification of the output signals provided for use by external equipment.
All 1 PPS outputs are derived from a differential 1 PPS input that is applied to the MDP at backplane input P1. If this 1 PPS signal is removed, the fault detector will illuminate the FAULT LED within 5 seconds.
Working condition unknown.
Stock: 2
USD $115
The MFTD (Modular Frequency & Time Distribution) is a modular expansion chassis and is designed to work alongside the MFTS system.
Efratom MFTD-AE6 frame with the following plugins:
Working condition unknown.
Stock: 1
USD $15
Nida Trainer Model 202, working condition unknown, used as part of larger NIDA classroom training accessories for teaching STEM.
Serial no: 5342
Power 115V
Stock: 1
USD $185
E. A. Fischione Instrument Manufacturing Model SSG-100 Digital Function Generator, working condition unknown.
Serial no: 113
Stock: 1
USD $85
Ballantine Test Oscillator 6310A Mod 915
SG-1168 A/U
Serial no: 0789A
Des. Act. 50423
NSN: 6625-01-130-0463
Stock: 1
USD $110
Wavetek Model 188-S-1257
4MHz Sweep/Function Generator
Contr No F41608-89-D0930
NSN 6625-01-294-0975
Stock: 1
USD $175
FUG Bipolar Power Supply NLB 140 M-65
Fabr Nr: 98 06 6959 01
Netz: 115V ±10% 47-63Hz T4A
Ausgang: 65V 2A
Stock: 1
USD $195
High Voltage Calibrated DC Power Source – Model 1570A 1-3012 V, 40MA
Serial no: 902005
Stock: 1
USD $270
Electro-tech systems Electrostatic Voltmeter Model 102
Serial no: 280
Stock: 1
USD $10
LWD scientific MiniPULSIR 10
117V AC 60Hz
Serial no: 89121176
Stock: 1
USD $50
Pacific Measurements Inc. PM Model 1045 RF Power Meter
Manual and data sheet available here
Stock: 1
USD $50
Narda Microline High Directivity Reflectometer Set
1.7 to 4.2 GHz
Model 3073
Serial no: 10023
Stock: 1
USD $15
HLI Transmission Test Set – Model 42-10
s/n: 02129
ID# A411648
Stock: 1
USD $20
YEW Type 2404 Insulation Tester
No. 02343U
The 2404 is a reliable, hand-driven insulation tester using a DC-DC
converter. The 2404 includes a number of useful and easy-to-use
features. Six different models are available for different test voltages (DC) and
MΩ ranges. With the exception of the 240415 and 240416, all models
provide a convenient continuity range of 0 to 500Ω full scale.
Product details and specifications available here
Stock: 1
USD $20
Tunable Microwave Filter Model HPF-220 2-20GHz
S/N 6021-369
Stock: 1
USD $165
Austron 8152 Time Code Gen-Reader. A device specifically designed for use as a central timing device for the purpose of providing time-correlated signals for magnetic tape recorders, oscillographs, strip chart recorders, cameras, digital printers, remote digital displays or direct computer entry. The device may generate various time code formats, contain special features for time comparisons against broadcast time signals and provide visual display in bcd or decimal format.
Unit is missing its bottom cover, and the top cover is loose.
Stock: 1
USD $35
Research Engineering Model EM70-10-101-2 Dual IF Amplifier (70MHz, 30dB gain)
Stock: 2
USD $135
Systron Donner Model 6150 Counter/Timer, wrong period on “mult 1” setting, but otherwise in working condition.
Stock: 1
USD $35
This is a Department of National Defense rack-mount received assembly. Working condition unknown.
Stock: 1
USD $45
Integra Microwave Model VTS-102 (2.0-18.0GHz) VCO Test Set, working condition unknown.
Stock: 1
USD $515
BAFCO Model 916AXH Frequency Response Analyzer. Technical specifications here.
Stock: 1
USD $85
Systron Donner Model 6054B Frequency Counter (20MHz-24GHz), does not work correctly over 8 GHz
Stock: 1
USD $650
Transistor Devices Inc. DLP 50-60-1000A
Operation manual available here
Specifications available here
Stock: 1
USD $25
Mu-Del Electronics Power Panel Model MPP-2223
Serial no: 287901
Stock: 1
USD $10
Noise/com Programmable noise generator NC 9644
5V RMs/600 OMS
Stock: 1
USD $20
Johnson Level & Tool – Laser Level Kit and assembly and operating manual
Stock: 1
USD $25
DT-2234C Digital Tachometer with operation manual
Stock: 1
USD $40
National Instruments N114
Model: NI Elvis
Part no: 189323F-01
Serial no: 112FAD1
Stock: 1
USD $20
Realistic MPA-25 20- watt AC/mobile PA amplifier
Stock: 1
USD $15
Electro Impulse Laboratory TS-1771A/U Test set, radio frequency power 0 to 150 watts maximum RF input
Stock: 1
USD $10
Litebeams, Inc.
Model no: EL5001
Serial no: 1288
Stock: 1
USD $50
Pacific Measurements Portable RF Power Meter 1034A
Code : 09
Serial no: 651
Operating instructions included
Stock: 1
USD $20
Fluke 7220A Frequency Counter
S/N 4100042 & 3420031
Stock: 1
USD $12
Heathkit Hybrid Phone Patch Model HD-15
Serial no: 030 4919
Manual available here
Stock: 1
USD $2
Type K – Thermocouples
Stock: 5
USD $2
Type J – Thermocouples approximately 72″
Type K – Precision Fine Wire Thermocouples approximately 36″
5TC-TT-T-20-120 – Teflon Insulated Thermocouple
Stock: 17
USD $15
NEW Plastic Electronic Enclosure
Model RM-178
PCB approximately 16.6″ x 7.6″
Stock: 1
USD $10
NEW Omega MJC-T 0306 Miniature Cold Junction Compensator with user’s guide
$10 each – 5 available
Stock: 4
USD $3
Shoulder Banana Test Leads
Paired slots $6 each set – 7 available
Singles – $3 each – 5 available
Stock: 12
USD $5
Johnson Test Prod & Patch Cord
217-5303-001 & 217-5302-001
$5 each or 5 for $20
Stock: 20
USD $28
ITT Electronics – Pomona Banana Jumpers
7 x 1081-4-6
4 x 1081-12-3
3 x 1081-4-6
3 x 1081-48-2
Stock: 1
USD $5
Crimper / Cutter / Stripper with 25 connectors
.075-6.0 Wire Strippers
$5 each or 4 for $20
Stock: 16
USD $10
Quality Test Leads – Probemaster Test Leads 8013S
$10 each – 5 available
Stock: 4
USD $25
Attenuation DB Variable Attenuator Model E101 Ser 272
Stock: 1
USD $100
Boonton Electronics Microwattmeter 42BD
Serial no: 2020
– No power sensor
Stock: 1
USD $195
Datum Model 9150 Time Code Generator, unit is missing its case screws.
Stock: 1
USD $30
AVO Multi-Amp TCM-915S, Timer Control Monitor unit, manual available here.
Stock: 1
USD $115
Associated Research Model 2211 Meg-Chek Megohmmeter. Includes original manual and leads.
Stock: 1
USD $150
This frequency standard unit comes complete with the following modules:
Stock: 1
USD $435
The Guildline 9576A DVM (Digital Voltmeter) is a highly efficient and reliable voltage measurement instrument designed for precise and accurate readings in industrial and laboratory settings. With advanced digital technology, this DVM offers exceptional measurement capabilities and a wide voltage range to accommodate various applications. The 9576A DVM features a high-resolution display that ensures clear visualization of measurements, enabling users to gather information quickly and effectively. Additionally, it boasts low internal noise, guaranteeing accurate and distortion-free voltage measurements.
Stock: 1
USD $200
This Pacific Measurements scope includes all of the following base components:
Stock: 1
USD $200
Boonton Electronics – Microwattmeter 42BD
Serial no: 1448
Power Sensor model: 4200
S/N 4981
Stock: 1
USD $40
067-0591-00 Calibration Fixture Case
Horizontal Programmable Plug-In Extender
Stock: 1
USD $100
Jung Jin JMM-2400 Communications Tester 20-1000MHz
Serial no: 3311076
Stock: 1
USD $25
Research Engineering EM70-10-101-2
Dual IF Amplifier 70 MHz 30dB Gain
Stock: 1
USD $75
CXR Telcom 702
Serial no: 1467
Identification no: XMSS3/A279268
Authority (T.O., ETC) 33K3-4-1256-1
Stock: 1
USD $20
Multiplexer Model FE-7723A Frequency Electronics Inc.
Serial no: 8044-7934
Part no: D26070-7493
Stock: 1
USD $50
Laboratory DC Power Supply
GW Model: GPR-6030D
Stock: 1
USD $20
Fluke 2165A Digital Thermometer
Stock: 1
USD $25
Humitemp – Phys-Chem Scientific Corp.
Instrument S/N: 2862
Model no: 2200-C/E
Stock: 1
USD $30
Microwave Crystal Test Set
Type 390
Airborne Instruments Laboratory
Stock: 1
USD $30
Signal Corps Crystal Rectifier Test Set TS-268C/U Test Set
Serial no: 860
Order no: 25669-PH-49-7
Stock: 1
USD $30
Protek Sweep function Generator 8-803
Stock: 1
USD $30
Photodyne Model 1950XR Continuous Attenuator. Working condition unknown.
Stock: 1
USD $45
SCIENTIFIC ATLANTA 7530A Video Receiver, working condition unknown.
Stock: 1
USD $20
PPMm Inc. Model R1M-B Megohm Meter
* 2 available – 1 without leads
Data and manual available here
Stock: 2
USD $60
Micro-Technical Industries Thermo-Probe Model 9
Stock: 1
USD $60
Micro-Technical Industries Thermo-Probe Model 35B
Stock: 1
USD $10
Armaco – Multi-range DC Miliammeter
Stock: 1
USD $95
NARDA 8201 Electromagnetic Leakage Monitor, includes carrying case and original manual.
Stock: 1
USD $25
The CBL is meant to be used with a TI graphing calculator (TI-83 series), and is a portable, handheld, battery-operated, data collection device for collecting “real-world” data. Data collected with a CBL
can be retrieved and analyzed by TI graphing calculators. With the CBL 2 and appropriate sensors, you can measure motion, temperature, light, sound, pH, force and more.
Stock: 2
USD $45
Photodyne Inc. 2250XF Fiber Optic Test Test Set
S/N 10696
Stock: 1
USD $250
Agilent 8960 Series 10 – Wireless Communications Test Set. Working condition unknown, includes original documentation and software. Fantastically heavy and difficult to move (rated as a two-person lift).
Stock: 1
USD $75
Biddle Instruments 210259 Major Megger Tester
Serial no. 4470
Stock: 1
USD $50
PRD Electronics 587-A Adjustable RF Something-OR-Other
Serial no. 1057
Stock: 2
USD $25
Scientific Atlanta – 7520 Down Converter. Not sure what exactly it down converts, but it’s heavy. Working condition unknown.
Stock: 1
USD $10
Spectracom – Selector/Distribution Amplifier
Stock: 1
USD $150
Wavetek 5135A Ultra Fast Switching Frequency Synthesizer (0.1-160 MHz)
Stock: 1
USD $35
Mu-Del Electronics MPP-2223 Power Panel
Serial no: 287902
Stock: 1
USD $165
General Data Products 543 Dual Frequency Synthesizer
Serial no: 115
Stock: 1
USD $80
DANA 9514 Universal timer/counter 105-125V 50-400Hz
S/N: 404167
Instruction manual available here
Stock: 1
USD $350
EIP 371 Source Locking Microwave Counter
Data sheet available here
Stock: 1
USD $65
Hewlett Packard 5314A Universal Counter
Stock: 2
USD $275
Keithley 3910 Function Synthesizer 0.1mHz-1MHz
Serial no. N00404
Manual available here
Stock: 1
USD $95
Western Instruments 1901 I.F/Baseband Tone Generator
Serial no. 91-31365 Iss 3K
Stock: 1
USD $60
Lambda LQ-520 EDC Power Supply
Output 0-10V Max rating: 5.0A
Stock: 2
USD $45
Lambda LQ-523 EDC Power Supply
Output 0-60V Max rating: 0.9A
Stock: 1
USD $45
Lambda LQ-411 EDC Power Supply
Output 0-20V Max rating: 1.2A
Stock: 1
USD $75
Output Meter TS-585D/U Howel-Ronset Instrument co.
Serial no: 31
Order no. 4485PP-60
Stock: 1
USD $180
Pacific Measurements 1034A Portable RF Power Meter
Stock: 1
USD $195
Wavetek 1-4GHz Micro Source Model 952
Reverse Power 20mW Max
S/N A6940518
Stock: 1
USD $15
Jewell Electrical Instruments Inc. MM3 Millivolts
Stock: 1
USD $65
Integra Microwave PM-1 Pulse Modulator
Serial no: 9042-107
Stock: 1
USD $25
Associated research MEG-CHEK Megger with instruction manual
Stock: 1
USD $25
K&L Tunable Bandreject Filter 3TNF-200/400/5N
Serial: FF043-1
Stock: 1
USD $25
K & L Tunable Bandreject filter
S/N 2
Stock: 1
USD $25
K & L Tunable Bandreject filter
S/N 3
Stock: 1
USD $75
Meter, Audio Level TS-585 D/U
AUL Instruments
Serial No: 60 B
Stock: 1
USD $25
James G. Biddle co. Megger BM100-2
Catalog no: 210800-2
Serial no: L4504
Stock: 1
USD $325
Northern Airborne Technology J100 System Connector TH250-2UN FM TAC/COM System – ** Direct from Walter Shawlee II’s Personal Collection! **
Serial no: 1137
Power : 28 VDC
Revision no: 402-2B
Similar installation and operation manual available here
Stock: 1
USD $20
Digitally Controlled Tunable Filter
SubSystems by Trilithic
Model: DCVF24/250-5-50-AA
P/N 2011295000
S/N 200842026
90-250 V ~ 50 – 60 Hz
150 W Max 5A Fast 250 V ~
Stock: 1
USD $20
IntraAction Model MLE Frequency Synthesizer
Model: MLE-12AA
Serial no: 806133
Voltage: 115/230VAC
Stock: 1
USD $79
OHAUS Model 1212 Weight Set – 500g (metric weights only)
Stock: 1
USD $38
Used for keeping your DC-3 level. Not to be confused with a standard issue Air Force Light Sabre. You only make that mistake once.
Stock: 2
USD $15
These capacitance meters come with test leads, have built in tilt stands, and include an instruction sheet, and protective carrying case.
Stock: 1
USD $15
Backlit LCD, comes in a highly visible, neon orange case. If the electromagnetic radiation doesn’t melt your eyes, the bright color of the device will.
Stock: 1
USD $45
This is a true RMS multimeter that comes with a manual and test leads. It features a 6000 count, backlit, LCD.
Stock: 2
USD $40
4000 count display, high accuracy 0.25% basic DC, autoranging w/manual locking, includes:
Stock: 1
USD $300
The Digital Surface Resistance/Resistivity Test Kit is a portable instrument designed to measure resistance between two points (RTT), surface to ground (RTG), and surface resistivity in complete accordance with EOS/ESD Association Standard S-4.1. This unit is suitable for evaluating the electrical properties of ESD protective work surfaces and flooring products.
Stock: 1
USD $550
This is a complete reference timing standard setup that incorporates the Efratom Performance Monitor Module (PMM), GPS module, PRS-RB module, and PRS-XO module.
Stock: 1
USD $100
The Racal-Dana Frequency Standard Distribution System 9478 provides a reliable and convenient means of generating and distributing up to nine standard frequency signals, all phase locked to a single frequency standard. Where more than nine independent outputs are required, two or more systems may be cascaded.
Stock: 1
USD $225
1840-A Output Power Meter & General Radio
NSN: 6625-00-937-6156
Serial no: 6947
The Type 1840-A Output Power Meter is
an adjustable, passive network for the determination
of the power output and of the internal impedance of
audio-frequency generators, amplifiers, transducers,
and other sources of audio-frequency power.
Details & Manual available here
Stock: 2
USD $55
Made in Finland, tested and working, includes the HMP 36 sensor.
Stock: 1
USD $10
3M / Photodyne Model 2250XF Fiber Optic Test Set.
Stock: 1
USD $50
These units may have damage and are in unknown condition. They are sold “as is”.
The General Radio 1862-C Megohmmeter is a portable, direct-reading Megohmmeter featuring the patented Flip-Tilt (clam shell) case.
The 1862-C replaces the Type 1862-B with improved charge-discharge switching of the unknown. The lower test voltage has been increased from 50 V to 100 V.
Applications for the 1862-C include high value resistors and insulation resistance
Requires a manual for operation, which can be found here.
Stock: 3
USD $415
This analyzer offers accurate measurement of various power parameters, including voltage, current, power factor, and harmonic distortion, across a wide frequency range.
Stock: 1
USD $20
Operates with six 1.5 V AA cells (not included). The insulation tester’s measurement voltage is 500 VDC, and it can measure up to 2000 Megohms in four different ranges on a 31/2 digit display. Additionally, it features a 600 volts AC voltmeter function with a10 Megohms input impedance. Includes the original manuals in English and Japanese.
Stock: 1
USD $65
The AF Power Meter 893B covers the wide power range of 300uW to 10W full scale in ten ranges, and operates over the frequency range of 20 Hz to 35 kHz. Data sheet available here.
Stock: 1
USD $10
HP Agilent QFBR 5235 RX Fiber-Optic Device
Stock: 1 Lot
USD $125
Integra Microwave Tunable Microwave Filter
Model: TMF-1800C
S/N 4064-571
Stock: 1
USD $35
Avantek ABG-2012M Solid State Amplifier 1.0-2.0 GHz
Serial no: 1841
Stock: 1
USD $35
Weksler Instruments Pressure Guage
Stock: 1
USD $30
Transi-Trap TT2G50 Surge Protectors E181202
Stock: 5
USD $250
PM 1038-D14A Display Pacific Measurement Inc.
PM Model 1038-H13 Horiz/Memory/Log AMP Pacific Measurement Inc.
PM Model 1038-V13 Log AMP/Memory Pacific Measurement Inc.
PM Model 1038-V13 Log AMP/Memory Pacific Measurement Inc.
Stock: 1
USD $20
Coupler Serial No. 5-4362
J1 J2 J3
Stock: 1
USD $50
SAGE Directional Coupler C0518-10 .5-18GHZ with 5mA-“N” Adapters
Stock: 1
USD $20
Low Pass Filter K&L Microwave 5L 114-115-NP/N
Stock: 1
USD $40
Inmet Corp 64671 Attenuator
Model 1N100W-30F
100W IN
Stock: 1
USD $10
EMC 5409 Attenuator Assembly with N connector & SMA connector
EMCT 58-P37353P002 REV-A 9739
Stock: 3
USD $45
Nerda Coaxial Directional Coupler
Model no: 3039-20
Serial no: 10004
Stock: 1
USD $45
Micronetics Bolometer Radio Frequency
Model TM-400 MX-7772/U
30 MW (avg pwr) or 5 Watt – µ sec/pulse
Stock: 1
USD $120
Hewlett Packard Thermistor Mount
Model 478A 200Ω
30 MW (avg pwr) or 5 Watt – µ sec/pulse
Stock: 2
USD $120
Hewlett Packard Thermistor Mount
Model 478A 200Ω
30 MW (avg pwr) or 5 Watt – µ sec/pulse
Stock: 1
USD $20
Struthers Electronics Corp.
ITT P/N G300107S1
Model no: GIL 360-1
Frequency 2.9 – 3.1 GHz Power Head
VSWR: 1.3 Max
Stock: 1
USD $140
Calibration Factor
PM Power Detector 13785
1 MIz – 14GMz
200mW (+23 dBm) Peak or average
Stock: 1
USD $145
Calibration Factor
PM Power Detector 14139
1 MWz – 18GMz
Wave Tek 13937-001 G
10W (+40dBm) Peak or average
Stock: 1
USD $180
Narda Coaxial High Power Load
Model 368BNM
2-18 GHz 500 Watts Average 5 KW Peak
Stock: 1
USD $85
Hakko96 Soldering Pot
No. 96E-V12
Serial number: 0960401623
Stock: 1
USD $25
Sunbanks Connector Shields M28840/622WA 8413
Circular Backshell
Listing sold as 1 Pair
Data sheet available here
Stock: 1 Pair
USD $100
Specific Gravity Hydrometer Measurement Set
9 Pieces Thermometer set
Stock: 1 Case
USD $50
MFJ Active Antenna
Model MFJ-1020
Power 9-12 VDC
Manual available here
Stock: 1
USD $35
Custom Electronics Display Center with different electronics permanently glued down on it.
Stock: 1
USD $195
TOA Spectrum Analyzer Model R-11SA
Serial no: 01011044
Stock: 1
USD $80
Electro Impulse ME 11-A/U Wattmeter
Serial no: 3038
This is an RF Power Meter.
Similar data sheet available here
Stock: 1
USD $3
RAF 8111-832-S-26 8/32 Tapped Handle
Handle Steel Black MTG CTR
Instrumentation Handle Steel Screw Holes, Back
Stock: 92
USD $575
HR2000 VIS USB Optical Spectrometer
PN 24006074 REV 5
S/N HR2C1285
Stock: 1
USD $15
General Electronics 2 x JAN-CG-GSJ7 Tubes
National Electronics 2 x 6SJ7 Tubes
Tested OK
Stock: 4
USD $60
This portable psychrometer indicates wet and dry bulb temperatures for relative humidity and dewpoint determinations. Housed in a high-impact case, the unit consists of a pair of matched thermometers, magnetic fan motor, plastic water bottle, illuminating lamp, psychrometric slide rule, spare parts kit and manual. No whirling of the instrument is required to obtain readings. A miniature fan provides constant air motion over the thermometers. Humidity is determined from the psychrometric tables included with the instrument. Three “D” cell batteries supply about 1000 operations.
Stock: 1
USD $65
Weksler Pressure Gauge 30-0-150 LBS
K Monel Bourdon Made in the U.S.A
Stock: 2
USD $30
This is a digital light meter that incorporates a remote light sensor, and includes the original manual and carrying case. It has a range of 0-10 000 footcandles, with selectable accuracy of 0.1fc, 1fc, or 10fc.
This unit has been tested and is working.
Stock: 1
USD $125
The perfect organizers and storage containers with 6 compartments (clear).
112mm x 25mm x 8.5mm
Stock: 1
USD $65
We don’t entirely know what this item does aside from sequence events, presumably in real-time. It appears to be related to audio editing/creation. This fits a standard rack mount.
Stock: 1
USD $15
Intersil ISL29010IROZ Evaluation Kit for an ambient light sensor IC.
Data sheet available here
Stock: 1
USD $35
Philips XP5312/SN photomultiplier tube
Data sheet available here
Stock: 27
USD $5
Great for prototyping, this is a 1 428 point metal and fiberglass breadboard.
Stock: 1
USD $200
The ML2010 is a complete prototyping station and has been designed to consolidate all of your test equipment needs into one compact package. This miniature laboratory used in conjunction with an oscilloscope and multimeter puts everything you need at your fingertips for building and testing all types of digital and analog circuits. The features incorporated in this equipment are perfect for the hobbyist, designer, technician, and student in electronics.
This unit has not been tested, and comes with the original manual.
Stock: 1
USD $225
Built into a ruggedized metal case, this Elenco mobile lab is a complete suite for building, testing, and prototyping digital and analog circuits.
This mobile lab features an integrated power supply capable of outputting 30 VAC centre-tapped at 15VAC @ 1A. DC output is 0V to +/- 20V @ 0.5A, and 0 to +/- 15V @ 1A. Built-in function generator can do sine, square, triangle, and complimentary square waveforms, 1Hz to 1kHz in 5Hz steps (similarly for digital clock frequency output).
Two breadbaords are provided, each with 830 tie points (1 660 total pins), and 6 independent power bus lines.
Stock: 1