USD $50
Narda Microline High Directivity Reflectometer Set
1.7 to 4.2 GHz
Model 3073
Serial no: 10023
Stock: 1
USD $45
SCIENTIFIC ATLANTA 7530A Video Receiver, working condition unknown.
Stock: 1
USD $15
Jewell Electrical Instruments Inc. MM3 Millivolts
Stock: 1
USD $79
OHAUS Model 1212 Weight Set – 500g (metric weights only)
Stock: 1
USD $38
Used for keeping your DC-3 level. Not to be confused with a standard issue Air Force Light Sabre. You only make that mistake once.
Stock: 2
USD $30
Known more commonly as a “lightning arrestor”, this device is normally connected to antenna arrays to prevent sudden, unexpected, and catastrophic electrical discharge from your antenna into your very expensive equipment.
This item is what goes “boom” before your several thousand dollar radio does in the event of a lightning strike.
Stock: 6
USD $72
Narda 3292-1 Broadband High Directivity Coupler, 1-1.8GHz
Stock: 1
USD $65
Narda 3003-10 Coaxial Directional Coupler
Stock: 1
USD $165
Narda 5292 Broadband High Directivity Coupler, 1-1.8 GHz
Stock: 1
USD $115
Norsal Directional Coupler – 4-18GHz
Stock: 1
USD $135
Krytar 158010 5.8GHz Directional Coupler
Stock: 1
USD $185
This MNVG is from the Famous Trails Ariel series of product, it is self-powered and does not require batteries. It has a mounting slot on the side of the unit to attach an illuminator module, and offers both zoom and focusing rings.
There is some sun bleaching to the reverse side of the nylon carrying case.
Stock: 1
USD $10
This small multi-segment LED display is a ready-to-use voltmeter. Great for adding to existing hardware. During testing these small units worked without issue in the range of 6VDC to 30VDC, however, they make function all the way up to 100VDC.
Stock: 4
USD $150
This clock comes complete and ready to use with four nixie tubes, a general use IR control to set the time and control the base station, and a USB C cable to connect to a standard USB port, or phone charger.
Stock: 1
USD $40
These clocks use a combination of a CR1220 battery, and micro USB cable to power a single digit nixie clock. Using two buttons you can set the hour, minute, and second, and wait as the clock cycles through each digit. Not a clock for anyone in a hurry to know the time, but it does alternate between LED backlight colors while in operation.
Stock: 2
USD $70
These clocks use thin acrylic slices to simulate the numbers found on a typical nixie tube clock. Numbers are displayed multi-colored and change regularly as the time of day changes. Clock is powered via a USB C cable, and can operate in both 12 and 24 hour modes.
Stock: 1