USD $20
Systron Donner Model 6153 Counter/Timer, 8-digit nixie tube display, working condition unknown. Uses the “old” HP-style pwoer cord (not included).
Stock: 1
USD $145
The HP 5334A counter offers high-resolution measurement power with versatile signal conditioning, triggering, and external arming features to handle a range of demanding measurement applications. Rise and fall time, pulse width can be measured at the push of a button or with a single HP-IB command. Automatic trigger level and attenuator settings provide adjustment-free measurements that are displayed in units of your choice.
Stock: 1
USD $135
Systron Donner Model 6150 Counter/Timer, wrong period on “mult 1” setting, but otherwise in working condition.
Stock: 1
USD $85
Systron Donner Model 6054B Frequency Counter (20MHz-24GHz), does not work correctly over 8 GHz
Stock: 1
USD $20
Fluke 7220A Frequency Counter
S/N 4100042 & 3420031
Stock: 1
USD $200
Hewlett Packard 5334B Universal Counter
Serial no: 2937A06886
Stock: 1
USD $30
Tektronix DC 504 Counter/Timer
Serial no: B038453
Stock: 1 on hold pending
USD $30
Tektronix DC 503A Universal Counter/Timer
Serial no: B047628
Stock: 1 on hold pending
USD $30
Tektronix DC 504A Counter/Timer
Serial no: B011007
Stock: 1
USD $80
DANA 9514 Universal timer/counter 105-125V 50-400Hz
S/N: 404167
Instruction manual available here
Stock: 1
USD $350
EIP 371 Source Locking Microwave Counter
Data sheet available here
Stock: 1
USD $65
Hewlett Packard 5314A Universal Counter
Stock: 2
USD $225
Calibration state and working condition of this unit is unconfirmed, and it does not have a current calibration sticker.
Stock: 1